Our purpose and vision

Our purpose and vision

Our vision, our mission and our work are all defined by one goal – a world free from violent conflict.

Our purpose

Our purpose is to work with communities and their leaders to prevent violent conflict and lay the foundations for lasting peace.

Our vision

Our vision is a world free from violent conflict. A world where societies undergoing major change manage conflict without violence through dialogue and collaboration.

Our values

Integrity: we work only where we know our expertise can make a real difference to people’s lives, building deep knowledge and networks in a small number of places. We strive to communicate openly about our work and how we spend money in order to be accountable to all partners.

Resilience: we build deep knowledge and strong partnerships where we work. This allows us to do both the long-term work of building lasting peace and to adapt quickly and effectively to changing realities.

Compassion: we respect the dignity of every person and the potential they have to support peace. We believe in the importance of listening, trying to understand other perspectives, and engaging with different views, even when we don’t agree with them.

Inclusivity: we work to support the meaningful inclusion of all voices in leadership and decision-making, to ensure that all perspectives and interests are represented to promote more peaceful societies.

Innovation: we are not afraid to adapt or test new approaches when we see established peacebuilding methods are not working. We share our learning and make our tools and methodologies available, in the hope that it helps other peacebuilders promote peaceful change.

Click here to read PCi’s Charitable Objectives.

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