Understanding the relationships between communities and armed groups in Libya

Peaceful Change initiative and AFAQ Libya undertook research at the community level in nine target areas along coastal Libya to help inform planning for the development and democratisation of security provision, so that such processes 1) are responsive to the needs of local communities; 2) are ‘conflict sensitive’, in that they do not result in […]
Lebanon: PCi supports the Syria Peace Process Support Initiative (SPPSI) in Beirut

PCi’s Senior Peacebuilding Adviser Raj Bhari, with a colleague from International Alert, facilitated a working group on peacebuilding at the Syria Peace Process Support Partner Event on 20 June 2019 in Beirut, Lebanon. The European Union and Germany set up the Syria Peace Process Support Initiative to contribute to peacebuilding in Syria, based on the […]
Conflict sensitivity considerations relating to the COVID-19 response in Libya

PCi produced a brief note on potential conflict sensitivity considerations relating to the COVID-19 response in Libya, developed as part of the Conflict Sensitive Assistance (CSA) in Libya forum. The note is intended as a resource to support assistance planners and project staff in taking conflict sensitivity implications into account when preparing to respond to […]
United Kingdom: PCi hosts panel discussion on conflict sensitivity – successes, challenges and priorities

PCi hosted a panel discussion on behalf of the Conflict Sensitivity Hub at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. Tim Molesworth, PCi’s Senior Adviser, Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Technology, PCi facilitated the discussions – which were also livestreamed on Twitter, enabling conflict sensitivity practitioners to engage in the conversation from around the world. Click […]
Report of the conflict-sensitive assistance for Syria retreats

Key findings and recommendations from three retreats with Syrian NGOs, international implementers, and donors. Participants reviewed the conflict-sensitive approach to assistance delivered in Syria. Download the report in English
Webinar: Conflict sensitivity in remote programming

In this webinar, PCi’s Senior Advisers Lesley McCulloch and Anthony Foreman shared the key findings of a new PCi report on mainstreaming conflict sensitivity in remote programming contexts.
PCi takes over coordination of Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub

Peaceful Change initiative is the newly appointed Secretariat of the Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub (CSC-Hub). The CSC-Hub is a global network of organisations and individuals working on conflict-sensitive approaches in their fields to promote conflict sensitivity at the policy, organisational and programmatic level. As the Hub coordinator for the 2019/20 period, PCi facilitates the collaboration, […]
Lebanon: Global Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub annual meeting in Beirut

Tim Molesworth, PCi’s Senior Adviser, Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Technology, participated in the annual meeting of the global Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub in Beirut, Lebanon, from 17-19 July 2019. The Hub brings together international and local organisations to promote and develop the concept and practice of conflict sensitivity. The 2019 Hub meeting provided an opportunity […]
Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub advocating for conflict-sensitive aid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Under the coordination of Peaceful Change initiative, the Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub has addressed policy and decision makers in an open letter sharing key recommendations on how governments, donors, UN and NGOs can deliver international aid in a conflict-sensitive way in the context of COVID-19. Along with tangible advice on best practice, the Conflict Sensitivity […]
UK: PCi hosts panel discussion on conflict sensitivity – successes, challenges and priorities

Peaceful Change initiative hosted a panel discussion on behalf of the Conflict Sensitivity Hub at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. Tim Molesworth, PCi’s Senior Adviser, Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Technology, PCi facilitated the discussions – which were also livestreamed on Twitter, enabling conflict sensitivity practitioners to engage in the conversation from around the […]
PCi urges all humanitarian and development practitioners to implement a conflict-sensitive approach when delivering assistance in response to COVID-19

PCi is mentioned in an article by Nate Wilson, ‘Coronavirus Shows Why Libya Needs to Build its Institutions’, published on 14 April 2020 for the United States Institute for Peace (USIP). The article highlights that institutional support to improve the Libya COVID-19 response must take into account conflict dynamics at a regional, sub-regional and even […]
Peace can be a dirty word: Challenging assumptions about the nature of peacebuilding

In this TEDx talk, Fleur Just, CEO of Peaceful Change initiative, challenges common assumptions made about peace, peacebuilding and conflict prevention.