Conflict Sensitivity Considerations Relating to Local Governance Assistance in Libya
PCi delivered a presentation on “Conflict Sensitivity Considerations, Relating to Local Governance Assistance in Libya”, at the EU Implementer’s forum (Libya) in Tunis in September 2019, minimising the ways such assistance could contribute to conflict while maximising opportunities to contribute to peace. The considerations represent issues faced practically by implementers and were identified through consultations […]
The Peacemakers Network – Libya, Launches Video Campaign to Improve Public Awareness of Electoral Process in Libya
The Peacemakers Network, a group of individuals from Libyan civil society, local government, media and academia, who work to find solutions to promote sustainable peace (supported by PCi) worked on a video campaign at the end of 2021, to improve public awareness of electoral process in Libya. Elections were scheduled for the 24 December 2021 […]
The Peacemakers Network – Libya, collaborates with the Italian NGO – Agency for Peacebuilding – to comment on Libya’s postponed elections
The Peacemakers Network, a group of individuals from Libyan civil society, local government, media and academia, who work to find solutions to promote sustainable peace (supported by PCi) have collaborated with The Agency For Peacebuilding ( and produced an article commenting on Libya’s postponed elections, that were scheduled for December 24 2021. This was published […]
Building a Lasting Peace in Bosnia
Peaceful Change initiative’s Programme Lead on the Western Balkans Programme, Ian Bancroft, participated in the Foreign Policy Centre Webinar on “Building a lasting peace? Power sharing and sectarian identities in Bosnia” on 9 February 2021. The panel discussion was focused on the complex relationship between peace building, power sharing and sectarian identities in Bosnia; it […]
Armenia: Training manual to promote action plans for youth engagement in governance
A training manual was produced as a component of the project ‘Progressing Youth Participation in Armenia on Governance and Peace’, which supports UNSCR 2250 on youth, peace and security. The manual has four modules which support users in: increasing understanding of peace and peacebuilding together with the basics of conflict transformation developing communication skills in […]
Youth participation in decision making and peacebuilding in Armenia
PCi worked with YCCD (an Armenian NGO) to promote youth participation in decision making and peacebuilding in Armenia, supporting UN Security Resolution 2250 calling on governments to include youth participation in local, national and international institutions, in efforts to end conflict. A short film was produced to capture the project’s impact (available in Armenian with […]