How Social Peace Partnerships responded to the Storm Daniel emergency
In the aftermath of Storm Daniel, Social Peace Partnerships across Libya quickly mobilised to respond to the unprecedented emergency in eastern Libya.
In the aftermath of Storm Daniel, Social Peace Partnerships across Libya quickly mobilised to respond to the unprecedented emergency in eastern Libya.
This case study looks at how international support can help independent media achieve a greater impact on democratisation, inter-communal relationships and peacebuilding.
In this blog post we explore the pressing need for increased conflict sensitivity skills amongst those delivering aid in Northern Mozambique.
A key part of our work in Libya focuses supporting women’s inclusion in peacebuilding efforts, ensuring women’s perspectives and needs are better reflected in decision-making, and understanding gendered experiences of conflict.
This publication looks at cross-border cooperation in the fight against human trafficking and gender-based violence, and makes recommendations for local authorities on the adoption of best practices.
In a joint statement, civil society organisations in Kosovo and Serbia reiterated their commitment to actively working towards the normalisation of relations throughout the entire region.
Civil society organisations from Serbia have come together to call for greater participation of youth in decision-making processes and peacebuilding.
Inicijativa za mirne promene predstavlja istraživanje koje je sprovedeno u okviru projekta “Od zajedničkih izazova do zajedničkih rešenja” o položaju srpske zajednice na severu Kosova i albanske zajednice na jugu Srbije koji su zajednički realizovali Centar za demokratiju i edukaciju – Dolina iz Bujanovca i NVO Aktiv iz severne Mitrovice.
This report looks at the shared challenges faced by Serbian communities in northern Kosovo and Albanian communities in south Serbia, and sets out recommendations for local and central governments, the international community, as well as media and civil society.
This note provides an overview of conflict sensitivity considerations relating to the international response to Storm Daniel in Libya.
We are working with Social Peace Partnerships across the country to increase the visibility and meaningful participation of women in local elections and politics.
CSOs and activists from Kosovo and Serbia speak out together on the importance of freedom of expression without fear in a joint statement.
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