UK: PCi hosts panel discussion on conflict sensitivity – successes, challenges and priorities

Peaceful Change initiative hosted a panel discussion on behalf of the Conflict Sensitivity Hub at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. Tim Molesworth, PCi’s Senior Adviser, Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Technology, PCi facilitated the discussions – which were also livestreamed on Twitter, enabling conflict sensitivity practitioners to engage in the conversation from around the […]

PCi supports civic responses in Kosovo to support the mitigation of COVID-19

In Kosovo, the measures taken by governing authorities to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 has mirrored other governments across Europe. However, ensuring such measures don’t negatively impact Kosovo’s non-majority communities has further tested the government’s capacity. Peaceful Change initiative’s project ‘Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development’ (supported by the UK Government’s Conflict, Security and Stability […]

Western Balkans: PCi works with partners to increase community engagement of ethnic minorities

PCi is working in Kosovo and Serbia in partnership with People in Need, Gradjanske Inicijative, Peer Educators Network and Aktiv on a new two-year project, ‘Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development’, funded by the UK government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund. The project works with ethnic minorities in Kosovo and Serbia to help increase their […]

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