Consultancy services

We provide consultancy services on a range of peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity topics for donor, NGO and private sector clients.
Dialogue across divides

We bring people together across conflict divides to engage in dialogue so they can find common ground.
Inclusive peacebuilding

We work to support the meaningful inclusion of marginalised groups in peacebuilding processes.
Protecting and expanding civic space

We work in partnership with civil society organisations to strengthen and protect civic space and expand it wherever possible.
Community-led peacebuilding

We support activists and organisations with practical tools and knowledge for peacebuilding.
Home Discover the latest insights from our staff and partners covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events. Search … Results ThemesCivil society and peacebuildingCommunity peacebuildingCommunity-led peacebuildingConflict SensitivityCOVID 19 and peacebuildingDialogue across dividesGovernanceInclusive peacebuildingPeacebuilding practiceProtecting and expanding civic spaceRemote programmingSocial peace and local developmentYouth, peace and security CountriesEast and Southern AfricaEurope and South CaucasusGlobalKosovoLibyaMiddle East and […]
Conflict sensitivity

We advise humanitarian and development actors on how to achieve greater impact in conflict-affected contexts.