Peaceful Change initiative – PCi (Nisma për ndryshim paqësor) punon për të ndërprerë ciklet e konflikteve të dhunshme dhe për të ndërtuar mekanizma dhe marrëdhënie që mbështesin paqen afatgjate.
Ku punojmë
Building a more inclusive peace: women’s inclusion and leadership
A key part of our work in Libya focuses supporting women’s inclusion in peacebuilding efforts, ensuring women’s perspectives and needs are better reflected in decision-making, and understanding how different gendered experiences of conflict impact peacebuilding.
Renewing commitments to the cause of peace
In a joint statement, civil society organisations in Kosovo and Serbia reiterated their commitment to actively working towards the normalisation of relations throughout the entire region.
Youth perspectives on peace in south Serbia
Civil society organisations from Serbia have come together to call for greater participation of youth in decision-making processes and peacebuilding.