Expanding the civic space in Libya

Expanding the civic space in Libya

This project aims to contribute to maintaining - and, where possible, expanding- a safe, open, and diverse civic space in Libya.
Afati kohor i projektit: February 2023 - ongoing

Vështrim i përgjithshëm i Expanding the civic space in Libya

Civil Society organisations and movements in Libya represent an important avenue, particularly for youth and women, to participate in peace and democratisation efforts during the political transition. In recent months, civil society in Libya has been subject to increased scrutiny, with authorities imposing a crackdown on civil and political freedoms.  

This project aims to contribute to maintaining – and, where possible, expanding - a safe, open, and diverse civic space in Libya, which is critical for a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful political transition. The project also aims to promote women and young people's leadership, as well as the inclusion of marginalized groups in Libya’s civic space. PCi is providing technical and funding support to strengthen the skills of 18 civil society organisations across nine municipalities in Libya. In each municipality, PCi is supporting three CSOs, each with distinct mandates, including a focus on gender issues. With this support, they will be better placed to navigate the challenges and risks associated with the political transition, while also working towards strengthening their sustainability in Libya’s growing civic space. 

This project has already supported nine organisations through technical training and funded initiatives, varying from awareness raising to fixing street lighting. These initiatives aim to improve social cohesion by involving citizens in decisions about their surroundings and collaborating with local government.  


Libya is characterised by political violence, polarisation, and instability. Since the 2011 revolution, rival authorities have been fighting over power, resulting in a constant division. The two contested governments in the east and west are a prominent example of the ongoing division. Armed groups also have significant influence, often aligning with politicians and forming alliances with other armed groups, exacerbating instability.

Furthermore, regional and international actors have been involved since Muammar Gaddafi’s overthrow, supporting and funding factions, adding complexity to the situation. The ongoing power struggle has led to dire consequences, including humanitarian crises, forced displacement, and impeded prospects for sustainable peace and development.

This project is funded by the Dutch Embassy in Libya

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