Meet the team

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Senior Management

Fleur Auzimour Just

Chief Executive Officer
Fleur is the Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the day-to-day management of strategy and programming. She has over 10 years’ experience in community-based peacebuilding in Liberia, Ghana, Georgia, Sudan and...

Abigail Orr

Finance and Operations Manager
Abigail is the Finance and Operations Manager, responsible for the day-to-day management of PCi operations. She has over 10 years’ experience in finance and operations, most recently as the Director...

Rebecca Crozier

Programme Development Director
Rebecca is Programme Development Director and oversees the development of new thematic and geographic work. She has worked in peacebuilding for over 15 years, in South Asia, the Middle East,...

College of Advisers

Raj Bhari

Senior Peacebuilding Adviser
Raj is a Senior Peacebuilding Adviser and leads on community peacebuilding programming in Libya and Syria. He has worked in conflict transformation and peacebuilding internationally and in the UK for...

Craig Oliphant OBE

Senior Adviser, Conflict and Security Issues
Craig is Senior Adviser, Conflict and Security Issues, working on the Black Sea and Serbia and Kosovo programmes. He previously worked at Saferworld (2011-2015) as policy adviser on Europe/Central Asia....

Nenad Sebek

Media Strategy Manager, Western Balkans
Nenad Sebek has worked as an independent international consultant for media and civil society over the last two years. Previously, he was Director of the Belgrade office of the Heinrich...

Programme Leads

Ian Bancroft

Serbia-Kosovo Project Manager
Ian Bancroft has been based in the former Yugoslavia for over a decade. He has worked for the EU in Kosovo, and the OSCE in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and has...

Bashar Eltalhi

Country Manager, Libya
Bashar is Country Manager for Libya. Previously, Bashar worked as a National Professional Officer within the Security Sector Advisory and Coordination Division at UNSMIL, where he played a prominent role...

Programme Leads

Ian Bancroft

Serbia-Kosovo Project Manager
Ian Bancroft has been based in the former Yugoslavia for over a decade. He has worked for the EU in Kosovo, and the OSCE in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and has...

Bashar Eltalhi

Country Manager, Libya
Bashar is Country Manager for Libya. Previously, Bashar worked as a National Professional Officer within the Security Sector Advisory and Coordination Division at UNSMIL, where he played a prominent role...

Libya Team

Nada Markous

Deputy Country Manager, Libya
Nada is Deputy Country Manager for Libya, responsible for strategic planning, programme delivery, project management, and financial management. Before joining PCi, Nada was Office Manager at the Commerzbank Representative’s Office...

Lamis Ben Aiyad

Analysis and Conflict Sensitivity Officer
Lamis is responsible for maintaining an up to date understanding of peace and conflict dynamics and conflict sensitivity considerations in Libya, using social media, media monitoring and other sources. She...

Seifedden Azzabi

Project and Grants Officer, Libya
Seifedden is the Dutch Embassy Project and Grants Officer working across three regions in Libya. Before joining PCi, he was Finance Assistant at ACTED from which he gained finance and...

Riyad Boumtari

Junior Peacebuilding Consultant
Riyad is a Junior Peacebuilding Consultant in the Libya office. He has extensive experience working as a trainer on various projects including the Constitution Ambassador’s Programme (funded by the EU)...

Nabiel Rafalla

Project Officer, Eastern Region of Libya
Nabiel is the Project Officer for the eastern region of Libya. He has worked in the field of general contracting for more than ten years. Nabil obtained a bachelor’s degree...

Serein Sharda

National Grant Officer, Libya
Serein is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of grants. Before joining PCi, Serein worked for Bankera as a Business Development Manager. Serein holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance...

Lamya Abusahmin

Project Coordinator, Libya
Lamya is responsible for day-to-day coordination of project activities related to the peacebuilding practitioners’ network; this includes communication and monitoring and evaluation. She also supports logistics related to PCi events inside...

Sulayman Alshami

Project Officer, Southern Region
Sulayman is the Project Officer responsible for the Southern region. He worked as a Certified Trainer in Civic Education for UNDP, and within the trainers’ team of the electoral commission...

Akrm Wadi

Project Officer, Western Mountains Region
Akrm is the Project Officer responsible for the Western Mountains region. Before joining PCi, he worked for the private sector in a range of different roles, from administration to public...

Mouhaned Terhouni

Project Officer, Western Region
As well as working as a Project Officer at PCi, since 2013 Mouhaned has been a Lecturer at the Tripoli University Law School, where he previously worked as a Professor...

Abdulqadir Bughararah

National Grant Officer, Libya
Abdulqadir is a National Grant Officer for Libya. He works on preparing, implementing, and monitoring the grants given to the Libyan Social Peace Partnerships. Before working with PCi, Abdulqadir worked...

Sarah Abusaoud

Project Coordinator, Libya
As the Project Coordinator for Libya, Sarah is responsible for managing the Project Officers in their day-to-day work and reporting. Before joining PCi, Sarah worked for UNHCR Libya as Senior...

Europe and South Caucasus Team

Stefana Subaric

Project Officer, Western Balkans
Stefana gained experience working with civil society organisations in Kosovo and has worked for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). More recently, she...

Tetiana Kalenychenko

National Peacebuilding Adviser
Tetiana is the National Peacebuilding Adviser for the Black Sea programme. Tetiana has experience working in peacebuilding and community development for national and international organisations in Ukraine; she is also...

Emin Redžepagić

Project Assistant
Emin has over 20 years of experience with international and national organisations, such as People in Need, UNHCR, European centre for Minority Issues, Terre des hommes, Danish Refugee Council, and...

East and Southern Africa Team

Sophia Ngigi

Peacebuilding Advisor
Sophia is a peacebuilding Advisor working on Swahili project in East and Southern Africa. She Joined PCi in May 2023 to support in implementation of Swahili project which is being...

Lorenzo Giuliani

Project Officer
Lorenzo is a Project Officer, specialising in program development and conflict sensitivity, primarily focusing on PCi projects in Mozambique and in the Swahili coast. He joined PCi in 2021 to...

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