Peaceful Change initiative hosted a panel discussion on behalf of the Conflict Sensitivity Hub at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. Tim Molesworth, PCi’s Senior Adviser, Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Technology, PCi facilitated the discussions – which were also livestreamed on Twitter, enabling conflict sensitivity practitioners to engage in the conversation from around the world. Click here to view a recording of the panel discussion.
PCi seeks to contribute to developing the concept of conflict sensitivity; advocate for incorporating conflict sensitivity into policy and processes; and support the conflict sensitivity of international assistance activities in contexts where they are delivered. Speakers included Rachel Goldwyn, Senior Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding Adviser at World Food Programme; Elias Sadkni, Director at House of Peace Foundation; Albert Souza Mulli, Conflict and Stabilisation Adviser for the British Embassy to Libya; Heloise Heyer, Conflict Sensitivity Lead at PeaceNexus; and Pilar Domingo, Senior Research Fellow at Overseas Development Institute. @CSC_hub on Twitter