Gender integration grant

Gender integration grant

Through this project we aim to deepen our work on gender integration across PCi’s projects, policies, and governance.
Часові рамки проекту: 2024 - ongoing

Огляд Gender integration grant

Through a gender integration grant from PeaceNexus, we aim to deepen our work on gender integration across all functions and processes across PCi. The grant is focused on increasing awareness and understanding of gender, in theory and practice, among PCi trustees, project teams, and operations teams. The gender integration grant also aims to establish accountability mechanisms to ensure that this gender integration is truly achieved, with progress reviews, learning captured, and new objectives set regularly. 

To achieve this, gender integration will be anchored as a strategic goal in PCi’s new 5-year strategy. Additionally, gender focal points will be appointed across the organisation to drive this change, and training and support on gender will be provided to staff and trustees. Finally, individual contributions to gender integration will be included as part of staff performance appraisals, and a toolkit will be developed to support the PCi team to integrate gender into their work. 

This project is funded by PeaceNexus.

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