What we do

What we do

Conflict sensitivity: We work to promote conflict sensitivity in policy and practice within the humanitarian, development and peace fields.

National capacity for peace: We work closely with civil society organisations, supporting them to connect, share experiences, and be part of decision-making processes that support peace.

Local conflict management mechanisms: Our community-facing work brings together community leaders, local authorities, traditional authorities, civil society and local citizens. We support these groups to develop local peacebuilding infrastructure, through developing their skills in conflict management and mediation and engendering a culture of community dialogue and collaboration across different identity groups.

Women, peace and security: We work with both women and men to increase women’s participation in peace, security and governance processes. We provide them with new skillsets and opportunities for dialogue, so that community issues are managed with a better understanding of women’s needs and of the interactions between gender and conflict.

Youth, peace and security: We work to promote youth participation and representation in peace, security and decision making so that young people can play an active and positive role in their communities, acquire new skills to demonstrate leadership and contribute to community development.

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