Amplifying Local Voices for Development
This project aimed to amplify local voices in Kosovo and Serbia, especially those of marginalised groups, in support of equitable development and sustainable peace.
This project aimed to amplify local voices in Kosovo and Serbia, especially those of marginalised groups, in support of equitable development and sustainable peace.
PCi is hosting a virtual discussion to present a case study showcasing its experience in fostering collaboration among media organizations in Kosovo.
PCi presents a set of principles, developed and endorsed by a range of civil society organisations, designed to enhance the contribution of civil society to normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.
Our annual report for 2022-2023 reflects on our achievements and the challenges we faced while working to build sustainable peace.
In the aftermath of Storm Daniel, Social Peace Partnerships across Libya quickly mobilised to respond to the unprecedented emergency in eastern Libya.
This case study looks at how international support can help independent media achieve a greater impact on democratisation, inter-communal relationships and peacebuilding.
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In this blog post we explore the pressing need for increased conflict sensitivity skills amongst those delivering aid in Northern Mozambique.
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