Libya Map of SPLD Areas

Map showing the Social Peace Partnerships in Libya, covering 40 towns and cities: 14 established by the PCi programme; 15 self-generated or established ad hoc with limited PCi support; and 11 established through a small grant scheme.

Get involved

There are several ways you can get involved in building a conflict-free world and support the Peaceful Change initiative: Your donation will help us to break cycles of violent conflict and build the institutions and relationships that support long-term peace. To make a contribution, whether one off or regular, click here Would you like to… Read more »

Eastern Africa: Mozambique

What we are doing in Mozambique The ongoing armed conflict in Cabo Delgado, Northern Mozambique, is providing a set of challenges to national and international organisations in delivering effective humanitarian and development assistance. A lack of conflict sensitive practice by some agencies has led to unintended consequences and hindered the delivery of aid to those… Read more »

How we work in Eastern Africa

We aim to strengthen conflict sensitivity expertise amongst national and international humanitarian and development organisations in Eastern Africa. Here we spotlight two of our approaches: Support to WeWorld under the Northern Crisis Recovery Programme  PCi has been supporting WeWorld to strengthen its conflict sensitivity since 2021, including developing a global Conflict Sensitivity Toolkit. Our work with… Read more »

Youth, peace and security

Libya We engage and empower vulnerable youth by providing skills training and creating new livelihood opportunities that dissuade young people from joining militias or getting involved in crime. We promote their participation in inclusive decision-making processes in their communities so that they can contribute and play an active role in society. Syria We have engaged… Read more »

Gender Expert (consultant)

PCi is implementing a project aimed at strengthening gender integration across our organisational processes and programmes. The project has two main objectives: (1) to increase awareness and understanding of gender (theory and practice) within PCi; (2) to establish accountability mechanisms within the organisation to ensure that gender integration is achieved, with progress reviewed, learning captured,… Read more »

Work for PCi

To our team members we commit to work in accordance with the following values: Risk management: We acknowledge that you work in often dangerous environments. Your safety and wellbeing is our primary concern. We maintain a strong risk management culture backed up by a supportive approach to maintaining your physical and mental health. Work/life balance:… Read more »

Aims and Values

Mission The Peaceful Change initiative works to break cycles of violent conflict and build the institutions and relationships that support long-term peace. Vision A world in which societies undergoing major change manage conflict without violence through inclusion, dialogue and collaboration. Our values Our work must make a real difference to the lives of people and… Read more »