A closer look at our peacebuilding work in Eastern Africa.
We aim to strengthen conflict sensitivity expertise amongst national and international humanitarian and development organisations in Eastern Africa. Here we spotlight two of our approaches:
Support to WeWorld under the Northern Crisis Recovery Programme
PCi has been supporting WeWorld to strengthen its conflict sensitivity since 2021, including developing a global Conflict Sensitivity Toolkit. Our work with WeWorld’s team in Cabo Delgado included developing an understanding of conflict dynamics and conflict sensitivity risks in the communities in which WeWorld is working; supporting WeWorld’s project team to prioritise, mitigate and monitor these risks using our conflict sensitive interactions matrix; and developing indicators and tools for measuring the project’s impact on social cohesion.
Kujenga Amani Pamoja
The Kujenga Amani Pamoja project works in the Swahili Coast regions of Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique to support youth-led networks and organisations to actively practice and disseminate learning on peacebuilding and conflict prevention. It looks particularly at the ways in which young men and women can support peacebuilding and inclusion through cultural practices. The project takes place in a region that experiences high levels of youth unemployment and young people’s political marginalisation, creating grievances that are easily manipulated by violent extremist groups.
The project is a collaboration between WeWorld-GVC, 4H Tanzania and TABUFO in Tanzania, Stretchers Youth Organisation in Kenya, Conselho Nacional do Voluntariado in Mozambique, and Peaceful Change initiative. PCi’s role within the project is to develop the project’s conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity interactions matrix [link] and support the project team to continually monitor and adapt project activities to ensure conflict sensitivity. PCi is also working in collaboration with The University of Dar es Salaam, the Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies in Kenya, and the Universidade Lurio in Mozambique to produce research looking at the intersection of youth, culture and peacebuilding, and existing cultural practices and resources that contribute to local peace.