Get involved

Get involved

There are several ways you can get involved in building a conflict-free world and support the Peaceful Change initiative:

Your donation will help us to break cycles of violent conflict and build the institutions and relationships that support long-term peace. To make a contribution, whether one off or regular, click here

Would you like to raise funds for us? There are many different ways to do this while having fun with your family and friends. Why not get baking, have an indoor/outdoor fundraiser, or just get creative! Contact for more ideas.

Would you like to lead the way and promote global peace  in your school, college, university or neighbourhood and become a peaceful change advocate?  Email us at to find out more.  

By remembering Peaceful Change initiative in your will, you can build safer and more peaceful communities for future generations. has more information.

Thank you to all our supporters for your help and your commitment to a safe and peaceful world.

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