Theme: Peacebuilding practice

ILO launches new guide to promote social cohesion and peaceful coexistence in fragile contexts

PCi’s trustee Joan McGregor and Senior Peacebuilding Advisor Raj Bhari have been working with ILO to produce a new guide:  Promoting Social Cohesion and Peaceful Coexistence in Fragile Contexts through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). 

The guide is now available to download here: Promoting Social Cohesion and Peaceful Coexistence in Fragile Contexts through TVET.

The guide is aimed at TVET practitioners to consolidate their role as active promoters of social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.

The guide seeks to strengthen the role of skills development policies and programmes in peacebuilding efforts through inclusive learning methodologies and training in relevant core skills. 

It also provides practical guidance on how to adapt training, to mixed community groups, embed conflict resolution skills, cooperation, and other relevant core skills into training curricula, and create conflict sensitive, inclusive, and diverse learning environments for all.

The guide will be launched at a Webinar on International Day of Living Together in Peace on May 17 2021 at 2pm UK time. To participate in the Webinar, please click on the following link:

PCi CEO addresses ECFR meeting on Libya stabilisation

Logo of European Council on Foreign Relations

PCi’s CEO Fleur Just addressed the meeting hosted by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on 5 September 2018 in Berlin, which examined how Germany and European partners could more effectively strengthen stabilisation efforts that advance a meaningful political process in Libya. The meeting – ‘Order from Chaos: Stabilising Libya the Local Way’ – brought together a range of Libyan and European interlocutors who included Abdelbari Shinbaro, the Deputy Minister for Local Governance of the Libyan Government of National Accord; Dr Christian Buck, Ambassador and Regional Director for the Near and Middle East and North Africa German Foreign Office; Suliman Ali Zway, a Libyan researcher/journalist; and Tarek Megerisi, Policy Fellow at ECFR.

Ukraine: PCi invited to speak at Kyiv roundtable event

PCi participated at a Kyiv roundtable event co-organised with the parliamentary Human Rights committee and hosted at the Ombudsman’s office on 23 October 2018. The roundtable focused on the conflict in eastern Ukraine and sought to promote ways to engage across divided communities and promote dialogue in the interests of achieving practical changes for vulnerable people in conflict-affected areas. As part of the Panel input, participants also shared experience from PCi practice on institutionalising dialogue at a local level in Ukraine. The panel speakers (in the PCi session) included Jonathan Cohen, Executive Director of Conciliation Resources; Natalia Mirimanova, a conflict resolution practitioner; and two Senior Advisers at Peaceful Change initiative, Craig Oliphant and Anthony Foreman.

UK: PCi supports BELONG network’s Shared Ground pilot programme

PCi’s senior Peacebuilding Adviser Raj Bhari has been invited by BELONG, the cohesion and integration network, to support Shared Ground, a new pilot programme for the UK. The programme will build the capacity, skills and confidence for practitioners, and all those who work closely alongside residents and in neighbourhoods, to work more effectively in situations where there is conflict and tension. The course will be designed with input from the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation and Peaceful Change initiative. Both organisations bring substantial expertise in working in situations where there are community tensions and conflict.

Raj Bhari has recently been appointed as an advisor/associate with belong, PCi look forward to working more closely with the belong cohesion and integration network. For more about belong click here:

Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub advocating for conflict-sensitive aid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Under the coordination of Peaceful Change initiative, the Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub has addressed policy and decision makers in an open letter sharing key recommendations on how governments, donors, UN and NGOs can deliver international aid in a conflict-sensitive way in the context of COVID-19. Along with tangible advice on best practice, the Conflict Sensitivity Community encourages decision makers to ensure that adjustments to the situation prioritise analysis and communication, local adaptation and the promotion of peace. Please read the full letter here.

In its role as the CSC Hub coordinator, PCi currently facilitates a range of exchanges between NGOs to commonly reflect on conflict-sensitive responses to COVID-19.

Peace can be a dirty word: Challenging assumptions about the nature of peacebuilding

Fleur Just challenges common assumptions made about peacebuilding and conflict prevention – advocating more realistic approaches to addressing conflict. She is the Cheif Executive Officer of Peaceful Change Initiative. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

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